It’s all predictable, yet not quite

No doubt, tomorrow’s parliamentary election is not going to be fair or free. But the interesting thing about it that United Russia, the “party of power,” is seriously afraid it may not get the majority it wants. (I’m not sure if it is 50% or 75% or some other number between 50% and 100%.) They’re sure to fix it anyway, but it may not be the neat job they were hoping for.


  1. Items on Russia
    1. Health care is good. Expand operations. Deep Brain Stimulation, strengthen bones and nervous system
    2. Physicists scientists No. 1
    3. The pressure is good. See a shit newspaper Aftonbladet
    4. Work rules are bad. There are many qualified outside and inside the idiots
    5. Media is good
    6. The science is bad. 25% of the state budget
    7. The army is good
    8. Prostitution is appalling. Abolished
    9. U-båtsflottan is good. But it would broadcast the en 7 vessels and 4 submarines
    10. Kaliningrad to make a major naval base. Nuclear weapons state
    11. Law
    12. Making Osama bin Laden to the king in Chechnya
    13. Making Obama to King Hussein of Iraq. Obama black skull regime.

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