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Pharmula One

Phil Dunne writes to The Economist from London: Let us create a relationship between athletes and companies, as in Formula One motor racing, that combines the greatest talents with the best innovators… A Dwain Chambers/Glaxo-SmithKline team would compete against a…

Delights of Volleyball

I watched Russia play the US on Thursday in an Olympic volleyball qualifier. What an exquisite sport! What a fusion of team spirit and individual excellence! On the one hand, every player must stick to his spot and responsibilities, and…

More on the Sphinx

In an article on Erik von Kühnelt-Leddihn, a quote from Antoine de Rivarol: Politics is like the Sphinx: It devours all those who cannot solve its riddles. [Added July 18, 2019. Also according to de Rivarol, the same error that…


I have stumbled upon a comment on some blog explaining the large number of civilians killed in the 1999 NATO attack on Serbia by Serbs’ “irrational behavior,” the fact that they supported Milosevic during the bombings instead of doing away…

All over again

I’ve been sick since Friday night (timing is everything), and when I’m down with the flu, the world around seems strange and unusual. I tried (re)reading the first part of Vekhi (Landmarks or Signposts, 1909–1910), a classic collection of essays…

What libertarianism is not

The following does not, contrary to the author’s contention, apply to libertarianism: But it is a narrow, privatized liberty that is secured. An active and lively interest in public affairs is discouraged as a result. Everything is permitted – except…

In defense of private bigotry

It does happen, more often that you would prefer, that certain truths, or a certain set of truths you have come to acknowledge, get voiced by people of whom you do not think highly, and ‘objectively’ serve the interests of…

Rhyme 3

Desbladet has come up with a Newspaper sonnet, hyphenatedly rhymed. Russian poets have used ‘hyphenated’ rhymes, too, first in jest, later, occasionally, in ostensibly serious verse. LanguageHat reprints another lesser-known poem by E.D.; a discussion ensues; I ask a loaded…