Category arts

This is a giggle-free zone

A conservative when it came to theater, Mikhail Bulgakov was skeptical of Vsevolod Meyerhold’s avant-guard productions. In The Fateful Eggs (1925), Bulgakov wrote of a “theater named after Vsevolod Meyerhold, who, as is well known, died in 1927 during a…

Music, always a source of confusion

JCB quotes from a Le Figaro review of Le Destin russe et la Musique by Frans L. Lemaire. The review seems informative but also confusing in some important ways. The author (or the reviewer) shouldn’t have ignored the evolution of…

Wood’s Corn Fields

Visiting a major Russian bank today, I noticed two interesting paintings in one of the reception halls. One depicted two old-fashioned women playing lawn tennis. The other was mostly hilly corn fields with two houses up there in a distance.…


Your Marketing Sucks by Mark Stevens got translated as Vash marketing — otstoy. Well done. A former colleague of mine used to translated “sucks” literally, which resulted in etot komp’yuter sosyot and such.

[Opera stagings]

Pop art vulgarity sometimes seems to border on something good and genuine — but you can never tell for sure. Here are four pictures from a recent Tristan und Isolde production in the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, conducted by…

Not only Metal Pig Music

Legend has it that shortly after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Sergei Eisenstein staged Die Walküre at the Bolshoi. It’s not really a legend. It’s true. And why shouldn’t it be, narrowly speaking? Long before Eisenstein, Russia’s imperial opera…