Category business

Cyprus charms: on the other hand…

…smart – and big – Russian money should have fled Cyprus months ago, since the island’s banks got themselves in trouble much earlier than last week or last month. The flight probably began even earlier, with the island’s accession to…

Rosneft closes the IPO books

According to Vedomosti and other sources, Rosneft closed the books yesterday recording a total of $18 bn in bids. Let’s look at some of the reported bidders: Gasprombank: $2.5 bnSinopec: $3.0 bnBP: $2.0 bnPetronas: $1.0 bnVneshtorgbank: up to $0.5 bnRussian…

Sick transit

I have come across a story explaining in some detail how Russia and Ukraine depend on each other in gas transit and distribution. Jerome Guillet, an energy banker based in Paris, has posted extensively at EuroTribune but I would single…

A Soft Implosion

Imploziya Soft is a successful (so it seems) Russian software firm. The only thing that’s weird about it is the name. It basically means “implosion.” Why? Will dig for more eccentric corporate names.

Now, that’s got to be globalization

They say Wal-Mart is going to build its largest ever mall in Moscow. Sounds believable: Moscow already has a few American-sized malls, most located on the intersection of the Ring Road (until recently, the city limit) and a major pike…

ConocoPhillips deeper in Russia?

I’ve been wondering whether the Russian courts’ attack on YUKOS will end in the bulk of its assets acquired by a) the government; b) an oil company whose owners are loyal to Putin (Vagit Alekperov of LUKOIL or Vladimir Bogdanov…

Banking Non-Crisis

The Wall Street Journal apparently has a piece on the recent “banking crisis” in Russia, pointing out it is an opportunity for major international banks to finally get a juicy share of the Russian market. Not that it’s a true…

From Dubai to Nizhnekamsk

Tim Newman of We the Undersigned has published an account of his visit to Russia — of all places, to Moscow and Nizhnekamsk. I enjoyed reading it so much that I recommend Tim’s travel notes without reservation; I have a…

The people are silent

A while ago, Mike Pechar asked me to comment on the mood of common Russians regarding the YUKOS-Khodorkovsky affair. When I do not reply to a request like that, it surely means I cannot do it right away and need…

Paging Sancta Hypocrisis

I went to a birthday dinner party at an upscale Moscow restaurant last night. Most guests were rich by Russian standards; some were rich by any measure. A few seats from me, there sat one bearded gentleman in his late…