Category history

It’s July 14 again

Ivan Bunin (the first Russian author to win the Nobel) remarked in Accursed Days, a collection of his 1918–1919 notes from Russia: “The world had not known disappointment,” says Herzen, “until the great French revolution. Skepticism arrived with the republic…

This is a giggle-free zone

A conservative when it came to theater, Mikhail Bulgakov was skeptical of Vsevolod Meyerhold’s avant-guard productions. In The Fateful Eggs (1925), Bulgakov wrote of a “theater named after Vsevolod Meyerhold, who, as is well known, died in 1927 during a…

Not only Metal Pig Music

Legend has it that shortly after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Sergei Eisenstein staged Die Walküre at the Bolshoi. It’s not really a legend. It’s true. And why shouldn’t it be, narrowly speaking? Long before Eisenstein, Russia’s imperial opera…

[David Brook’s platitudes]

David Brooks takes a look at Russia’s social disorder in a column somewhat lamely entitled Mourning Mother Russia. His take is simplistic, as Johan Maurer explains, but he is drawing attention to the social fabric of a country, refraining from…

[More Cossacks in the news]

Yes, “Cossacks” have been in the news since the late days of Gorbachev, but I’m not sure if they could be taken seriously and if yes, whether they are related to historical Cossacks. It seems to me that the societal…

From Marxism to Stalinism, continued

While I still can’t get to the main point, another brief diversion. It is common for city mobs to decide the outcome of revolutions, and Bolsheviks won mobile legions through their anti-war and anti-hierarchy propaganda. Taken to the extreme, it…