Category history


Here’s what Prof. Hugh Ragsdale wrote in The National Interest in the fall of 1993: The tales of the brothers Grimm were characterized by W. H. Auden as something like morality plays in a different genre. He calls the tales of…

Communist Eugenics

Back in the 1970 late 1970s and the 1980s, Dmitry Galkovsky penned a collection of notes, somewhat in Vassily Rozanov’s style, which he entitled The Endless Dead End. Naturally, it could not be published at the time except by the…

Russian philosophy reviewed

Oliver Ready reviews Motherland: A Philosophical History of Russia by Lesley Chamberlain. A “philosophic history,” as I understand, means a history of philosophic thought here. “Lesley Chamberlain discusses why Western philosophy failed to take root in Russia,” the reviewer reports,…

A very brief biography

Time: the late 19th century. A young, beautiful German princess, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, is to marry a member of the Russian royal family. From the beginning, the spouses-to-be agree the marriage will require no physical intimacy: as it…

No Rage, no Pride?

Apparently, no Russian publisher has printed a translation of Oriana Fallaci’s recent books, The Rage and the Pride and The Strength of Reason. Vagrius promised to publish one of them by June 2004, but it hasn’t appeared. Another publishing house,…

[Dates and anniversaires]

A hundred years ago, on August 12, Alexei Romanov was born in a summer palace by the Gulf of Finland. Only a hundred years–it feels like a thousand: no continuity in Russia’s newest history, a race against time. But Prince…

Trotsky again

Almost by chance I stumbled across a year-old article at NRO by Stephen Schwartz (is this the Sufi Schwartz or a same-name?)–a somewhat confusing piece that ends in an unequivocal apologia of the author’s idol: To my last breath I…

More Russian pop poetry…

… or No disavowal for those in love A song from a still unboundedly popular Soviet musical comedy. Music by Mikael Tariverdiev, words by Veronika Tushnova, a talented Soviet poet (1915–1965). The stanzas in [brackets] are part of the original…

Two boys

There is an apparent similarity between the ordeals of two unfortunate princes, Louis XVII of France and Alexei Romanov of Russia. Both suffered at the hands of revolutionaries, and, according to official history, both died at an early age. Both…