Category history

Tower review

Kat — formerly of — has moved her blog over to NeoZiggurat. Don’t expect to frighten us with ziggurats, neo or paleo: we have one right in the heart of town, in Red Square. It’s called the Lenin Mausoleum.…

Lighter Soviet stuff

“Soviet reporters manage to lie even when they are telling the truth.” A Soviet maxim. With the benefit of hindsight, I realize now that Soviet foreign correspondents of the dull Brezhnev days seldom if ever resorted to outright lying. They…

“Russia Tests Juries By Trial and Error”

A worthwhile article in the Washington Post, by Peter Baker. But first, a correction is in order. For more than eight decades, Russians charged with a crime in Moscow were brought shackled into cramped courtrooms, where Communist Party-appointed judges and…

Khruschev the buffoon

Just stumbled upon a review of a Khruschev bio. I’ve known most of the stuff all along, but I still couldn’t help laughing at the zebra/cow gig. No wonder the Political Joke became the greatest achievement and the star genre…

History of the Truth

Pravda means (the) Truth. The best name one could come up with for the voice of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. I like those multiple genitives. Initially, though, Pravda was a minor, half-legal opposition…

Stalin and John Wayne

Whether or not Stalin ordered John Wayne killed, it is well known that the Great Leader was a big fan of Hollywood movies. As an anecdote goes, he once asked a certain Jewish Soviet composer of popular music whether his…

[Little Odessa]

Vitali Vitaliev on Brighton Beach, or “Little Odessa”. I haven’t been to Brighton Beach myself; as I see it from afar, it is a Soviet neighborhood in New York City that speaks Russian with a slight provincial Jewish accent. Most…


I turned on the TV tonight and the first thing that caught my eye was a Russian atomic missile-carrying submarine getting scrapped. It turned out to be K-19, the one in that movie with Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson. A…

[Guy Sorman]

A while ago, Cinderella Bloggerfeller quoted approvingly a certain French author, Guy Sorman (Professor at Paris University, Institute of Political Sciences, teaching Economics and Political Philosophy, since 1970; founder, chief editor of L’Esprit libre, a libertarian monthly magazine, from 1995…

Vodka is a vitamin

Russians tend to believe, tongue-in-cheekly, that vodka is a remedy against a multitude of health hazards, from a sore throat to radiation. Try half a glass of Stolichnaya with black pepper and you’ll see. (No, I’m not paid to promote…