Category Politics

Failing worse

The Moscow Times on yesterday’s Duma election: Half of the 450-seat State Duma is elected through party lists. United Russia has so far claimed 52 [54 with 90% of precincts counted] percent of that contest. Another 225 seats in the Duma…

Uzbekistan as an island

Sarah Kendzior on the passing of the man who ruled Uzbekistan for 27 years: Karimov died as he lived, shrouded in secrets, discussed by his countrymen through the mish-mish — gossip — that forms the primary source of communication in his insular, authoritarian state. Of…

Bloody pollsters

The Moscow Times reports: Russia’s Justice Ministry has declared the independent pollster the Levada Center to be a “foreign agent,” saying the decision to blacklist the center followed an unscheduled inspection of Levada’s documents […T]he organization will likely be forced to…

The arrested convoy

At The Russian Reader, a series of translations from the Russian press on the recent “tractor convoy” protests by Krasnodar farmers. Without agreeing with the translator’s (or translators’) politics, I recommend The Russian Reader as a great source on Russian events…

Mirror, Mirror

A few quick footnotes to Ed Caesar’s piece on Deutsche Bank’s Russian adventures in The New Yorker. A sensible article, unexpectedly since it deals with finance and modern Russia, both difficult subjects for a literary magazine. Still it doesn’t mention the…