Category Politics

Democracy in Russia (2013-16)

Radio Liberty reported from Moscow on Wednesday: Yevgeny Urlashov — a former Yaroslavl mayor and rare example of a Russian opposition politician in public office — has been sentenced to 12 1/2 years in prison on corruption charges he says…

His bodygovernors

The Moscow Times on the latest gubernatorial appointments in Russia: In a matter of hours, Putin replaced four governors, four envoys and an ambassador with men with security services backgrounds. It would have been major news 15 ago. By 2016,…

Impossible – believable – but so what?

Smart and sophisticated? Paranoid and deluded? Incompetent and occasionally dumb? Looking at Team Kremlin, I can never be sure. I suppose that’s one of their strong sides: you can lose your mind trying to pin them down. Now on to…

Bluffing, perhaps, as one sometimes must

I have argued that some of Trump’s views on allies, trade, and the USSR/Russia, can be traced to his opinions shared with the media 25-30 years back. He’s not as volatile as mainstream opinion has it but he can improvise moves…

The Kremlin’s delusions?

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the Kremlin’s propaganda has been surprisingly well-received in diverse quarters, as evidenced by comments both at the left-leaning Crooked Timber and on pro-Trump sites. The same probably applies to Moscow’s Syrian narrative, but I…

I thought hackers were gut-level anarchists

I’ve seen suggestions that “Russian government hackers” (sic) are responsible for the latest big digital break-in, that of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). I don’t know much about hackers, but how do you make one into a “government hacker” –…

Losing by the rules vs. playing to win

If one must play a game of “geopolitics” with Moscow, being able to make unpredictable moves could be the winner. So far, it’s worked like this: “OK, I’ve broken the rules again. Whatcha gonna do?” “Sanctions.” “Go ahead. But if you cut Swift off,…

Grozny goes to Petersburg

Consider this alt-history passage: Ivan the Terrible once said: “I’m guilty of my son’s death because I didn’t hand him over to the doctors in time” when they were on the road and he [the son] fell ill. They were…

Robert Amsterdam’s new client

​I learned of Robert Amsterdam when he was representing Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Yukos as their international lawyer. Amsterdam’s relentless criticism of Russia’s legal system, which he witnessed in action at the first Yukos trial in 2003-4, was spot on but…