Category Politics

A minor character’s complaint

It looks like Russia’s birth rate is still dwindling, but it is hardly the case in Moscow. And there is immigration – from the Caucasus, China, Ukraine, Vietnam, Africa, etc. Not that I’m worried “we” might lose our identity –…

Russian reactions to the war

Typical Russian responses to the Iraq war? I don’t know how typical, but I’ll offer a few. Why? It’s unneeded and unnecessary. Wars should only be fought when there’s no alternative. It’s no good when one country plays cop, judge…

Little room for gain?

If Washington lets Turkey occupy Northern Iraq, i.e. Iraqi Kurdistan, the moral underpinnings of the war will be shattered. But since I am skeptical about their existence beyond the blogosphere, I’d rather focus on Russia’s optimal strategy. Whatever the Russian…

London 2003, Moscow 1990

A million people marching through London. Impressive. Even at the peak of the reform movement in Russia, in the late 1980s, the largest gatherings in Moscow totaled 500,000 [up to a million probably – added in July 2017] people or…

The State of the Arts under Communism

Brian Micklethwait comments on a piece by Alan Little, who is asking: “So why does art produced under Stalin not make me queasy whereas art produced under Hitler does?” Because it is simply not true that all works of art and letters produced…