Tag Berlusconi

Don’t forget Grillo

Professor Jan-Werner Müller from Princeton claims in the London Review of Books: But the peculiarity of Trump is that he seems the equivalent of Grillo and Silvio Berlusconi merged into one person. I don’t think he is, but Müller’s view…

The wrath of the righteous losers

The indirect verbal brush between Donald Trump and judge Gonzalo Curiel has given me a slight pretext to quote from Perry Anderson’s 2002 article once again. Very slight indeed, because the US justice system is not nearly as politicized as Italy’s, even…

Not so clean hands

In the previous post, I was talking about the “clean hands” operation launched by Milan prosecutors in 1992, which destroyed the old political order and unexpectedly brought a rightwing coalition headed by Berlusconi to power in 1994. Two things stood…

Lynch is no Di Pietro

The theory that Donald Trump is neither quite a Hitler nor truly a Mussolini but an American Silvio Berlusconi is increasingly popular and invariably superficial. (Politically; psychologically, who knows?) It seems to ignore the constants of Trump’s campaign, which occasionally get lost…