Tag Byron

Byron was right

In 1809, Byron wrote a friend from Lisbon : I must just observe, that the village of Cintra in Estramadura is the most beautiful, perhaps, in the world. We also find an expression of this in Child Harold’s Pilgrimage: Lo! Cintra’s glorious…

The Foreshadowings. My next novel.

Dr. Corin Throsby, a Cambridge academic, writes in The Times’ Literary Supplement: Byron knew, more than any author before him, the power of an ellipsis. Foreshadowing twentieth-century theorists such as Wolfgang Iser, who posited that it is primarily the reader…

Love and oblivion

Tonight was the first time I’d seen McDonald’s’s “I’m lovin’ it” translated into Russian — it’s already evaporated from my memory, which means the translation wasn’t catchy enough. Until then, I thought Ronald had given up on Russian: McD paper…