Tag Ezra Pound

Jordan Peterson and Alexander Dugin

A few years ago, I tried listening to Jordan Peterson debating Marxism with Slavoj Žižek. It soon became clear to me that Peterson was completely unprepared: he knew next to nothing about Marxism. Or, perhaps, he was deliberately playing the…

Executed for treason? Not in the US.

Reviewing The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics and Madness of Ezra Pound by Daniel Swift, Robert Crawford claims that “Pound was lucky not to be executed as a traitor.” In theory, the death penalty was applicable but in practice, how many people…

No, Ezra Pound was not convicted of treason

Last week, Arts and Letters Daily linked to Still a Monster, a review of the third part of A. David Moody‘s new biography of Ezra Pound. The reviewer, Steve Donoghue, a Boston-based editor and writer, accuses the British academic of…

In defense of private bigotry

It does happen, more often that you would prefer, that certain truths, or a certain set of truths you have come to acknowledge, get voiced by people of whom you do not think highly, and ‘objectively’ serve the interests of…