Tag John Zmirak

Neocons and Oligarchs

John Zmirak–a writer I sincerely respect–poured out this invective onto his adversaries in a speech last year (“Neocons or Vichy Cons?”): America’s governing elites increasingly rule the American people as if they were an occupying army, dictating its ideology and…

Neither right nor wrong

Finally, J.P. Zmirak got himself a blog, or, rather, a place to store links to his articles. Right here, on Blogspot. Much as I resent some of his opinions, it is no waste of time to get familiar with all…

What empire?

An amazingly delusional text from the same Innocents: The celestial empire, the humanitarian empire (no less!). Need to dig up Zmirack’s essay on patriotism. It’s a masterpiece of sorts.