Tag Karabakh

Luttwak on Napoleon, China and Trump

Back in 2014, more than two years before Trump’s elevation to the presidency, Edward Luttwak summed up his thoughts on grand strategy in application to the Napoleonic wars: In retrospect​ the fight against Napoleon seems to have engendered a new…

Now singing of war

Bülbüloğlu‘s self-chosen surname literally means “son of the nightingale”: his father, an accomplished and officially extolled Soviet Azeri singer, was nicknamed Bülbül, “nightingale”. Murtuza Mamedov-Bülbül, the son of an Azeri father and a Kurdish mother, started out as a folk…

Karabakh in the news again

The new outbreak of armed conflict in Nagorny Karabakh this weekend was waiting to happen. Azerbaijan has used some of the boomtime oil money to rearm, and Armenia has tried to keep up although it cannot afford to match the Azeri additions plane…