Tag Katyn

More thoughts on Katyn’

Let us now consider whether the mass murders in the Katyn’ forest and the other places were a direct consequence of the Soviet-German treaty of 1939 known in the West as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. First, would the camps for Polish…

Katyn’: 65 years later (continued)

I called it decimation — well, not quite: Romans cast lots to pick the unfortunate, while the Bolshevik Politbureau had a different selection criteria. This is what the Politbureau ordered in March 1940 — a slightly abridged translation of this…

Katyn’, 65 years later

Polit.ru reminds the readers that on March 6, 1940, the Politbureau of the Bolshevik party decided to execute over 25,000 Polish prisoners of war, policemen, and government officials captured during the occupation of Eastern Poland (Western Belarus and Western Ukraine,…