Tag Kipling

Kipling and Carlyle

Reading Faramerz Dabhoiwala‘s review of three books on British imperial history, I saw this quote from 1911 concerning West Indians of color: …lazy, vicious and incapable of any serious improvement, or of work except under compulsion. In such a climate…

“Mary Postgate”

Kipling placed The Beginnings at the end of his 1917 miscellany, A Diversity of Creatures. To the reader, the poem might seem a postscript to the short story Mary Postgate, which is the next-to-last piece in the collection. The story…

“The Beginnings”

I’ve noticed that The Beginnings, a WWI poem by Rudyard Kipling, is rather popular on the Net. Googling its first line, “It was not part of their blood,” yields over 122,000 results. For comparison, I’ve searched for three random first…