Tag natural gas

Denial works. In a way.

During a televised Q&A session in April 2013, Vladimir Putin responded to a journalist’s claim that Gazprom had mistakenly written off the shale gas revolution as a short-term fluke: So it’s hard to say whether Gazprom missed the ‘shale-gas revolution’…

Russia’s share in Germany’s gas imports was 39% in 1H18

Germany’s export-import regulator BAFA used to break down natural gas imports by supplying country. For 2016 and 2017, BAFA provided no breakdown to avoid disclosing commercially sensitive information. For 1H2018, unexpectedly, the breakdown is back. Russia accounted for 39% of Germany’s natural gas…

Germany’s gas imports

President Trump claimed this at yesterday’s NATO summit: Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they will be getting from 60% to 70% of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline. I’m going to focus on the subordinate clause…

LNG glut vs. Gazprom’s unused capacity

The previous two posts may seem an exercise in pedantry: so what if Britain is less dependent on Gazprom than Germany or Poland now? Shouldn’t we look beyond 2016 – beyond 2020, even – to a time when Gazprom becomes the…