Tag Navalny

Hostages of corrupt states

Yesterday, the Moscow City Court affirmed the trial court’s verdict and sentences in the case against opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his brother Oleg. Alexei Navalny received a suspended sentence of 3.5 years but Oleg Navalny, who is already in jail, was…

Professionals at work

(1) The Russian Investigative Committee’s strongest side is fabricating cases against Alexey Navalny and other opposition activists. I’ve blogged about the investigators’ tricks and drew some international comparisons but this time – as Navalny is facing a 10-year sentence in the new,…

Facebook and Ukraine Freedom Support Act

Tetyana Lokot reports for Global Voices: Just one day after supporters of Putin critic and opposition figure Alexey Navalny set up a Facebook event page for a protest rally in his support, the page has been blocked for users in…

The way things work

Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader, has been under house arrest since February. He is serving a suspended sentence for “embezzlement” and has recently been indicted for “fraud”. His campaign team is being investigated for stealing donations. In other words, the…

Calumny in Italy and Russia

Italy’s much-criticized calumny laws can be ruinous: Amanda Knox was convicted of calumny after Perugian cops had asked her to “imagine” being present at the scene of crime with her employer and she had dutifully complied. Although Italy’s supreme court…

Kirovles back in the news

Alexey Navalny and Pyotr Ofitserov had their prison terms suspended earlier this week. The trial court in Kirov sentenced them to five and four years initially; the Kirov Oblast court, acting as a court of appeal in this case, ordered the…

Res judicata, Russian style

As I’ve said before, the fact-finding part of the Navalny trial was not an all-out farce – as the defense cross-examined the prosecution’s witnesses and called its own, it demonstrated that the state lacked a case against Navalny’s and Ofitserov’s.…

With judges like this…

Alexey Navalny, the Russian opposition activist famous for his anti-corruption campaigning, is running for the mayor of Moscow in the September 8 election. He is running while appealing a conviction for “embezzlement.” The conviction is preposterous and shows once again that…

Charges against Alexei Navalny

I’m reposting a comment from a Guardian discussion thread with minor changes. What are the charges against Navalny? He is accused of using his position as adviser to the Kirov governor back in 2011 for personal gain. Navalny allegedly forced…