Tag Steve Bannon

Shared misconceptions, the great unifier

Both the headline editors at The New York Times and Steve Bannon have made the dubious claim that Julius Evola influenced Italian fascism. I have tried to explain why the idea that Evola had a considerable impact on either Mussolini…

Michael McFaul’s easy, broken parallel

Michael McFaul, the former US ambassador to Russia, has a blog on the site of Ekho Moskvy, the independent radio station based in Moscow. Commenting on the appointment of Steve Bannon to the National Security Council, he wrote: It’s the equivalent…


Earlier this week I came across the word “coronate” in a comment and, in my unbounded paranoia, suspected the commenter was a native Russian speaker, possibly a member of the foreign propaganda corps or a volunteer auxiliary. He wrote about…

Bannon on Dugin and Evola

Steve Bannon, Trump’s strategist, comes across as sensible and well-informed, judging by this 2014 speech. Unfortunately, he is short on new solutions, to say nothing of a new worldview, but that would take a genius. At the moment, I’m more interested in the…