Category EU

Der Untergang

David Irving’s having been jailed for three years by an Austrian court for making a speech in 1989 denying the Holocaust as commonly understood, is beyond belief. Not only does it make Vladimir Putin appear a great proponent of free…

On the Wow! front, rumor beats fact as usual

I thought I wouldn’t get back to the Jutland business but I am weak, hence curiousity’s easiest prey. What do I know about the man who authorized the Mohammed cartoons? — Flemming Rose interviewed Daniel Pipes last year. While I…

Always having to say you’re sorry…

… very sorry? No, I don’t think it’s a good idea to print ugly pictures of Mohammed the prophet unless there’s an exceptionally good reason to do so. No, I don’t think Europeans should but shrug their shoulders when their great…

Psychoanalyze this random find

I don’t remember how this crept onto my screen — I looked up and saw this: As a Maoist philosophy lecturer at Vincennes in Paris, her radicalism caused the official disaffiliation of the philosophy department, after she handed out course…

On vertigraphy

Having read this dressing-down of Bernard-Henri Lévy’s new book on America, American Vertigo, I am tempted to compare Lévy’s writings on America to Custine’s writings on Russia but respect for the Marquis tells me to resist the temptation. A nobleman…

What makes blogs possible

The Economist, in “Shock to the System,” Dec. 24, 2005: EDF [Electricité de France] employees work shorter hours, enjoy longer holidays and get more special benefits than workers in any other French company. A bestselling book about how to do…

Under the black mountain

When Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigned for governorship in California, bloggers inquired into the origin of his name. The most convincing opinion was, I remember, that the name should be parsed “schwarzen+egger” and taken to mean something like “black ploughman” or “black…

Das Heldentum eines Danzigers

These days, every other Eastern European intellectual is hailed as a hero of sorts, and a handful of politicians get hosanna-ed on a regular basis. Havel’s a hero, and Milosz was a hero; the late Pope was a hero, and…