I don’t remember how this crept onto my screen — I looked up and saw this:
As a Maoist philosophy lecturer at Vincennes in Paris, her radicalism caused the official disaffiliation of the philosophy department, after she handed out course credit to someone she met on a bus, and subsequently publicly declared in a radio interview that the university is a capitalist institution, and that she would do everything she could to make it run as badly as possible. After this she was demoted by the French education department to a lycée teacher.
Poor kids! But who was that lady? Let the truth be known:
Judith Miller is a French philosopher, and the daughter of Jacques Lacan — radical psychoanalyst, and wife to prominent Lacanian Jacques-Alain Miller.
Ah! Type “Judith Miller French philosopher” in Google, and you’ll find mostly “French philosophers demand freedom for Judith Miller,” and, though the two ladies are, of course, completely different Judith Millers, the homonymy deserves a special issue of Les cahiers.
A “Maoist philosophy lecturer”? She follows the correct ideological line part of the way with her encouragement of ignorance and lack of learning, but shouldn’t a true Maoist lecturer be encouraging her own students to beat her up, maybe giving her a permanent disability of some kind, just like the good old days in 60s China?