Category EU

Marx the apologist for capitalism

Theodore Dalrymple in an interview: <…> in some ways Mrs Thatcher was a mirror-image Marxist. Everything that Marx abhorred she thought was good, and she thought (or she appeared to think—I’m not sure she gave enough attention to it) that…

There will always be a(n)…

Repeating my reply to Alex Tapinsh (whose name I negligently and ruthlessly misspelled in the original version of the post). I’m not implying that Russian kids should not learn Latvian or that all subjects should be taught in Russian. My…


Young Russian speakers living in former Soviet republics tend to identify themselves with their countries of residence (and citizenship) than with Russia. Not only in Ukraine, but in Latvia, a country that doesn’t seem to do anything to encourage that…

Sad Cypress

Some peasant children who achieved prominence in society are more deeply and genuinely aristocratic in their ways than offsprings of the hereditary noble. Yet it seems an exception, not the rule. Even among peasants who never achieved anything you can…

To put it charitably

Chechen independence, no matter how many times the Western press may repeat the expression, would make little sense anyway — an unworkable option, unlike Corsican or Basque independence. How would Italians feel if there were a little Albania planted in…

Elites and looting 2

(Continued) The Nazis’ looting of private art collections from Jewish families was not only mercenary but aimed at destroying a people by robbing it of its culture. Just by robbing them – no need to bring up culture – just…

Neither right nor wrong

Finally, J.P. Zmirak got himself a blog, or, rather, a place to store links to his articles. Right here, on Blogspot. Much as I resent some of his opinions, it is no waste of time to get familiar with all…

Gun control in Iraq

As seen on Russian TV… “Toy Kalashnikovs are not in demand in stores now; but (or for) almost every Baghdadi family has a real one at home.” Fair enough. But what for? To shoot into the air in celebration of…

Gut and shoot

All in all, conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot. Especially the anti-multiculturalists. When they are done gutting Eurocentrism, what will be left to rely on? The Anglosphere?

Consumer sentiment revisited

I’m sure the shoppers who decided to stay away from French wine did so in good faith, and in doing so proved themselves good citizens. But as I’ve said, most people don’t have the time and knowledge to understand complex…

In the family

Europe’s perceived Anti-Americans is mere spousal pouting. Especially compared with the real Anti-Americanism in the Third World. That should be set in stone; an axiom, a postulate, a dogma.

Full of wine

An e-mail to Instapundit implies that some Americans have stopped buying French wine in response to you know what. Presumably they’re switching to Chilean and Australian stuff. That’ll save them money, I hope – good for them. But the reason…