Category Global

Covid and EVT

My impression, admittedly superficial, from the ongoing debate on the severity of the Covid-19 pandemic is that statisticians with a professional interest in the distribution of extrema (“extreme value distributions”) understand the downside risks well and, as a result, support…

“A very bad recipe”

Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford says the early estimates of the coronavirus’s deadlines were greatly exaggerated. It would be good news if demonstrably true, which it neither is nor can be, as the professor admits: “I love models… I do…

A simple asymmetry

Suppose the number of people infected grows exponentially with time as . Consider two cases: in the first, the true rate is less than r by δ percent; in the second, it is greater than r by δ percent. The…

Will this glut dry up anytime soon?

How deep has the drop in oil demand been so far? How much deeper can it sink? When and how fast is it expected to recover? Bloomberg quotes various authorities on this: “This global pandemic is something the world hasn’t…

Whatever slows it down

OK, if you insist that COVID-19 is just like the flu, I could agree if you dropped “just.” It’s like the flu, sort of – but much deadlier and, in all likelihood, more contagious. I’ve seen the COVID-19 mortality rate…

Russia as a political zombieland

One more thought about Putin’s hasty edits to the constitution. Let’s say under the current constitution the president may do A but not B. (Either B strictly belongs in the legislative domain, or it is out of reach of any…

“They still sold authenticity”

Dominic Green writes in The Critic: No one seems to have noticed, but the fortieth anniversary of Rock’s death is upon us. You can pick a personal “day the music died”… Sentimentalists might pick the release of the Ramones’ collaboration…

Bad movies

Phil Christman writes in The Hedgehog Review: Some bad movies… reveal through sheer lack of self-awareness the incoherencies and solecisms of the culture that produces them. These sorts of movies fascinate me in the way a too-honest idiot does, after…

A complete ban on real-time facial recognition?

In the London Review of Books, John Lanchester reviews The Great Firewall of China: How to Build and Control an Alternative Version of the Internet by James Griffiths and We Have Been Harmonised: Life in China’s Surveillance State by Kai…

Shiyes and Agua Zarca

The Moscow Times reports on the latest developments in the Shiyes protests: Opponents of a controversial landfill in northwestern Russia have asked Sweden, Norway and Finland for help in averting an environmental crisis… Five regional environmental groups have asked the…

Goya’s faces, and Munch’s

In January 2018, the Argumentative Old Git wrote about Goya’s Self-portrait with Dr. Arrieta: It is a striking image, but what fascinates me most are the other faces on the canvas – shadowy faces, as if vaguely glimpsed, behind the…