Category Global

The tax state and entrepreneurial profit

Corey Robin, the author of The Reactionary Mind, wrote on Crooked Timber: Schumpeter famously said that taxes are the “thunder of world history.” In The Guardian, he put it this way: Taxes are the “thunder of world history,” wrote Joseph…

“I was more wicked than I had imagined”

Last week, Ben Judah wrote in The American Interest: Why is it always Orwell o’clock? Why is everything mildly unpleasant about government instantly Orwellian? Why is every banal propaganda effort obviously 1984 sprung to life?.. Most of the Orwell cult…

What about a Muslim Jan van Leiden?

Google Tariq Ramadan Martin Luther, and you’ll have a dozen headlines comparing the prédicateur to the Prediger – tentatively yet hopefully. Assuming the impossible, suppose it were a near-perfect parallel. Would it logically require an upheaval in the Arab world…

Fit for any office of the state

My thoughts keep coming back to the story of the postmistress from the Sedlčany district as told by Švejk in Jaroslav Hašek’s novel. You can find it near the end of Part III, “A Glorious Spanking.” I’m relying on Cecil Parrott’s…

Small angles

In Chapter 4 of Misbehaving, Richard Thaler writes: Here is a test to see if you are a good intuitive Pythagorean thinker. I mentioned this test in my previous post. Here’s Thaler’s formulation of it, abridged by me: Consider two…

La bontà in trionfo

Kazuo Ishiguro’s fiction gets reviewed in literary journals, awarded literary prizes and included in Top 100 Best Novels lists. It means that – after Alexievich (documentary non-fiction) and Dylan (song lyrics) – we’re back to the world of novels and…

Houellebecq and the Karamazov family

In a review of Michel Houellebecq’s H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life, Lee Rourke quoted the opening lines of the French author’s 2001 novel Platform: Father died last year. I don’t subscribe to the theory by which we only become…

Delusions will backfire. Just wait.

Paul Mason, the left-wing British journalist, has an excellent piece in The Guardian: “There is no place in academia for craven submission to Chinese censorship demands.” I have three comments to make – here, because I’m late for the comments…