Category Global

Iran as the odd man out

I can understand Washington’s resolve to keep out people from disorderly (ex-)polities such as Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan, as well as from the ISIS-infected Syria and Iraq, but Iran is an entirely different matter. To begin with, it’s a…

Trust the absurd

An intelligence professional able to reliably report the content of highly confidential conversations between the president of a major power and his trusted lieutenant (both former intelligence professionals) would be a unique asset of inordinate value and would be extremely…

The two Moores

Until this year, I did not realize how many Russian translations of Thomas Moore’s poetry had been produced in the 19th century, especially its first half. For details, I recommend two investigations into the subject (in Russian): Mikhail Alexeyev’s 1982…

“What a divine thing!”

My fondest musical memory of the year 2016 will probably be the April, 16, performance of Schumann’s oratorio Das Paradies und die Peri by the Russian National Orchestra and the Popov Academy choir directed by Mikhail Pletnev. I expected something…

Vlad: the Omnipotent Cat

Ivan Krylov published The Mouse and the Rat in 1816. My rough translation follows, without the last quatrain, or the “moral” of the fable. “Dear neighbor, have your heard the good rumors?” Said Mouse to Rat, running in. “They say the cat has…


Via Arts and Letters Daily, here’s Timothy Snyder’s little pamphlet in Slate, a brief synopsis of Hitler’s progress hinting at Trump’s possible trajectory. A parallel here, an analogy there, et voilà, here’s a case for Bush Trump as Hitler. Yes, I’m…

Drink to the bird

The first time I appreciated Leonard Cohen’s Bird on a Wire was when I heard it sung by Johnny Cash. Everything fell in place at once. If you only trust Cohen’s own interpretations, I’d recommend his late versions of the song. About that second line,…

Wie einst im Mai

Allerseelen by Richard Strauss performed by Camille Renaud (trombone) and Iva Návratová (piano). Lots and lots of thanks to the performers! There are, of course, excellent recordings on YouTube of this song in its original version, with lyrics by Hermann von…