Category arts

The Foreshadowings. My next novel.

Dr. Corin Throsby, a Cambridge academic, writes in The Times’ Literary Supplement: Byron knew, more than any author before him, the power of an ellipsis. Foreshadowing twentieth-century theorists such as Wolfgang Iser, who posited that it is primarily the reader…


I have never been to Sakhalin. I’ve been lucky to visit some other oil and gas places but Sakhalin is so far away from European Russia, it’s almost another planet. Last year, Sakhalin produced a little more than 3% of Russia’s…

Smile: Tyche likes idiots

Vladimir Yakovlev, the son of the prominent journalist of the Perestroika years, Yegor Yakovlev, sees no future for himself and his peers in Russia. His advice is sauve qui peut: if you can leave, just do it. Stanislav Belkovsky recommends self-improvement…

Which century?

Say “the noise of time” to a Russianist or a literary-aware Russian, and the instant response will be: Mandelstam. This reaction is hardly universal. As Nikil Saval writes: Julian Barnes’s new novel, “The Noise of Time,” is about Shostakovich… The novel’s title…

Alexander Van der Bellen’s father in 1917

In his memoir, Lighted Windows (1978), Veniamin Kaverin recalls scenes from Pskov in the first days after the Bolshevik coup in Petrograd: Kostya von der Bellen was a student from our class. He was very short, important-looking, jug-eared. A line from Chekhov’s notebooks – “A tiny…

The fatal trapezes

In his grotesque sci-fi novelette The Fatal Eggs (1923), Mikhail Bulgakov wrote of …the theater of the late Vsevolod Meyerhold, who died, as everybody knows, in 1927, during the staging of Pushkin’s Boris Godunov, when a platform [lit. trapezes] with naked…

The statues in Muzeon

There’s an ongoing discussion of whether statues of Cecil Rhodes should be removed from the university campuses in Cape Town and Oxford. In their letters to The London Review of Books, Marina Warner and John Barnie point at the approach…

Frozen for later

It’s a pity The Revenant is already taken: should Leonardo DiCaprio decide to play Lenin, it would be a perfect title for the film. It’s also regrettable that the Russian rendering of The Revenant chosen by the dubbers, Vyzhivshiy, simply…


Ten years ago – yes, eight days short of ten years! – Donald Pittenger ran this memorable post at 2Blowhards about the Russian artist Valentin Serov (1865-1911): Serov was an extremely talented painter. His abilities were apparent in childhood. And his blazing debut…

Briefly on Alexievich

Svetlana Alexievich has been a major presence in Soviet and post-Soviet letters since 1984, when a censored version of War’s Face Is Not Female was first published. She has authored six documentary books: two on WWII, one on the Soviet…