Category Belarus

“Cosplaying Allende and Pinochet at once”

“Massive protests flood Belarus once more, as Lukashenko appears brandishing assault rifle,” ABC News reports from Minsk. As one pro-Kremlin political consultant has remarked on his Telegram channel, “Lukashenko is cosplaying Allende and Pinochet at the same time.” Another, less…

Minsk architecture

Peter Pomerantsev, writing about the Belarus Free Theater on the LRB blog: The journey took me out of the unspoilt Stalinist centre of the city. (The architecture is known as ampir in Russian, which sounds like, though doesn’t mean, ‘empire’, and…

Belarus: things getting _really_ ugly

The BBC reports: Alexander Kozulin, one of two opposition candidates to run against Mr Lukashenko, was jailed for five and a half years at a court in Minsk. He was convicted of hooliganism [Kozulin is a former university rector] and…