Category business

A painless cut

Bloomberg cites Putin supporting a universal oil freeze: “Russia is ready to join in joint measures to limit output and calls on other oil exporters to do the same,” Putin said on Monday at the World Energy Congress in Istanbul.…

Mirror, Mirror

A few quick footnotes to Ed Caesar’s piece on Deutsche Bank’s Russian adventures in The New Yorker. A sensible article, unexpectedly since it deals with finance and modern Russia, both difficult subjects for a literary magazine. Still it doesn’t mention the…

The August blip/trough explained

OK, here’s the apparent reason for Russia’s daily oil output inching down by 2%+ this month from the average July rate. Actually, the shortfall has lately narrowed a little to about 30,000 tons per day or 220,000 bpd, less than 2%…

Still no decline in oil production

Last September and October, I wrote about George Soros’ untimely announcement that Russian oil production was in decline. The data links in these posts seem to be working all right, providing updated information. It indicates that the decline has so far failed to begin.…

Tiles and granite: Moscow’s “redevelopment”

The frenzied, absurd, profligate “urban redevelopment” underway in Moscow under Mayor Sergei Sobyanin fills me with a low-grade, drone-like dread of what’s to come. Throwing money to the wind seldom if ever resolves itself into respectable austerity: abject misery is the default…