Category business

Flight 92-68

Transaero has one of the best safety records and Aeroflot has one of the youngest fleets in the world. But when a Russian family takes a vacation in Egypt, they have to turn to one of the smaller operators with…

What a loss

Recall Flirt, the sex ad rag that printed jingoist rants alongside pictures of sylphs for sale. The couple running the business have been detained on suspicion of procuring, along with 35 call center operators. Apparently Flirt served as a sort…

Family business

My comment, expanded and modified, to Tim Newman’s post on the government-supported restaurant chain proposed by the Russian filmmakers Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. As La Stampa writes incredulously, “what is somewhat astonishing” is that the people promoting “patriotic food”…

“The American Shales”

I admire the creativity and effort of those who made possible the digital revolution of the past 25 years, most of these creators US-based. I am immeasurably greatful for the Internet, the e-book, and mobile communications. But I also have…

What independence?

The Russian Central Bank’s decision to cut the key rate by 2 percentage points from 17% to 15% seems like an act of abdication, of renouncing its own independence. Actually the end-of-independence signal came in earlier, when Dmitry Tulin was…

Sour grapes

Putin has signed into law a bill making it legal – again – to advertise wine on TV, but only if it is produced in Russia from Russian grapes. While some wine-grade grapes grow in Russia proper, e.g. in Krasnodar,…