Category election

Speaking as a free man

Meduza reported from Moscow yesterday: Prosecutors have asked for a four-year prison sentence in the case of 21-year-old Egor Zhukov [or Yegor; the name is a folk version of George], a student at the Higher School of Economics… Zhukov has…

Projection, as usual

Putin in Helsinki, August 22, 2019: Russian opposition members were banned from running for Moscow’s legislature because they had submitted “falsified” signatures, President Vladimir Putin has said, playing down the election protests that rocked the capital this summer… “This was…

A picture from Moscow

Yesterday’s protests in Moscow – against the city government’s attempts to disqualify opposition candidates from running for the Moscow City Duma in September – seem to be getting less coverage than they deserve in the media outside Russia. Of the…

A fake election?

Golos is a “Russian organisation established in 2000 to protect the electoral rights of citizens and to foster civil society… It is the only election watchdog active in Russia that is independent of the Russian government.” Golos volunteers have checked video…

Not quite there yet

Alexey Navalny’s team not only asked fellow Russians to boycott last Sunday’s farcical election but also invited volunteers to monitor the vote. About sixty thousand volunteered and more than 33,000 were posted at precincts across the country. Even if most…