Category history

Better noisy records than no records at all

Electrical sound recording, which relies on microphones and amplifiers, became the industry standard around 1925. From Edison’s invention of the phonograph in 1877 to the mid-1920s, sound was only recorded acoustically, the sonic vibrations transmitting themselves directly from the horn…

Grozny goes to Petersburg

Consider this alt-history passage: Ivan the Terrible once said: “I’m guilty of my son’s death because I didn’t hand him over to the doctors in time” when they were on the road and he [the son] fell ill. They were…

Robert Amsterdam’s new client

​I learned of Robert Amsterdam when he was representing Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Yukos as their international lawyer. Amsterdam’s relentless criticism of Russia’s legal system, which he witnessed in action at the first Yukos trial in 2003-4, was spot on but…

Not as good as 1963 but quite a (half-)year

Leicester City, Trump, Brexit, England losing to Iceland, and now, Erdoğan apologizing or at least writing something as close to an apology as the man can manage without killing himself. Russia’s loss to Wales, although a face in the mud…

“Tough is winning systematically”

The 1990 Playboy interview also provides an insight into the meaning and the purpose of Trump’s supposed admiration for Putin. Trump saw little to admire in the Soviet Union: I was very unimpressed. Their system is a disaster. He showed…

The Foreshadowings. My next novel.

Dr. Corin Throsby, a Cambridge academic, writes in The Times’ Literary Supplement: Byron knew, more than any author before him, the power of an ellipsis. Foreshadowing twentieth-century theorists such as Wolfgang Iser, who posited that it is primarily the reader…

Smile: Tyche likes idiots

Vladimir Yakovlev, the son of the prominent journalist of the Perestroika years, Yegor Yakovlev, sees no future for himself and his peers in Russia. His advice is sauve qui peut: if you can leave, just do it. Stanislav Belkovsky recommends self-improvement…