Category history

Who is Professor Lorenz Haag?

Google “Lorenz Haag” agency or “Lorenz Haag” Agentur, preferably using the Verbatim option, and you’ll get results like this: Western leaders “must abandon anti-Russian rhetoric, lift sanctions imposed on Russia and closely analyze and understand motives behind Russia’s actions,” in…

Turgenev trivia

Going back to Erik McDonald’s latest post with this quote from Dmitry Bykov, But except for the Sochi Olympics, Russia hasn’t made any powerful contributions to international culture recently, I’m not sure the Sochi Olympics was a contribution to anything but…

The price of classics

Count Sergey S. Uvarov, the inventor of the official triad, “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality”, was a renowned classicist and the founder of the classics-based gymnasium system in Russia. For more than twenty years Uvarov corresponded with Goethe, who predictably influenced the younger…

Notes at an exhibition

The NYT writes in an art review (registration required) devoted to an exhibition of “Ukrainian modernists”: Kazimir Malevich, El Lissitsky, Alexander Rodchenko, Alexander Archipenko and Alexandra Exter were actually born, or identified themselves as, Ukrainian. According to a new exhibition…

November 4

The BBC reports from Moscow: The new holiday [Nov. 4] marks the end of Polish occupation in 1612. I suppose some Russians think so along with the BBC. Yet “the end of Polish occupation” is too vague and inclusive to…

Beslan day

It’s been two years since the tragedy at School No. 1 in Beslan, North Ossetia, Russia. I recommend Veronica‘s post on the day. If you can read Russian, check out her links.


What a thread at LanguageHat’s! No one in his right mind — a traditionalist would argue — would found a capital city where Peter the Great did. If that marshy spot were such a great place for a town, how come…


LanguageHat on the Subbotniki: the sect and the Communist tradition. Lots of curious bits in the thread.