Category Russia

Russia as a political zombieland

One more thought about Putin’s hasty edits to the constitution. Let’s say under the current constitution the president may do A but not B. (Either B strictly belongs in the legislative domain, or it is out of reach of any…

Putin’s “constitutional coup”

This is how some Russian commenters have called Putin’s plan to change the constitution. I’m not claiming I understand the strategy behind the changes or their intended consequences. I would guess that, if Putin remains politically active, the new setup…

Contamination 3

Reuters sheds a new light on the Druzhba contamination case: The substance that brought one of Russia’s longest oil pipelines to a halt in April was carbon tetrachloride, a lethal chemical meant to be tightly controlled by an international agreement,…

“A stunning deception”

Last week week, The Guardian reported this predictable development: Russia has been handed a four-year ban from international sporting competition for a doping cover-up… An emergency meeting of the World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday unanimously voted to exclude Russia and…

Speaking as a free man

Meduza reported from Moscow yesterday: Prosecutors have asked for a four-year prison sentence in the case of 21-year-old Egor Zhukov [or Yegor; the name is a folk version of George], a student at the Higher School of Economics… Zhukov has…

Bitter fruit

La Fontaine’s fox, the connoisseur of grapes, was all-French, as it were – “Gascon, some say Norman” – and in keeping with his roots, he preferred wisecracking to whining, which his creator appreciated. American shale oil, sweet as a rule,…

Denial works. In a way.

During a televised Q&A session in April 2013, Vladimir Putin responded to a journalist’s claim that Gazprom had mistakenly written off the shale gas revolution as a short-term fluke: So it’s hard to say whether Gazprom missed the ‘shale-gas revolution’…

Carvalho and Dugin

There’s more in the Guardian piece on Brazilian flat earthers that I quoted in the previous post: …Olavo de Carvalho – a former astrologer who is considered the intellectual guru of Bolsonaro and his inner circle – prompted outrage and…