Category Politics

Immigration status of the dead

The Guardian sums up reports from the Khovanskoye cemetery in the South-West of Moscow, a most unlikely location, one would think, for violence of this sort: At least three people were killed on Saturday when a mass brawl involving hundreds…

The morning after

I know very few people who support the current Kremlin regime, so I cannot judge from personal experience what turns Russians into its fans and whether this attachment is deep and sincere. I still believe there is an antidote for…

What are Trump’s sources on Ukraine?

It may prove unfortunate if Donald Trump’s view of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has truly been influenced, or even shaped, by people like Paul Manafort, a former adviser to Yanukovych, and Carter Page, a former Merrill Lynch banker and fund manager with ties to…

Prof. Snyder, Trump and Putin

In his latest NYRB piece, Timothy Snyder lists a number of Russian “politicians” supportive of Trump. They turn out clowns of varying colors; none of them operators to be reckoned with. Particularly amusing is Snyder’s naming Alexander Dugin as “the leading Russian fascist ideologue and…

They talk sense through hyperbole, like Trump

Excellent reporting by Olga Khazan in The Atlantic: Why Soviet Refugees Aren’t Buying Sanders’s Socialism. She has interviewed some older-generation Americans of Soviet-Jewish extraction and found them categorically opposed to Sanders and leaning towards Trump. It seems at times that…