Category Politics

News from the Russian front, again

Alexandr Voloshin, Putin’s chief of staff, resigns over his opposition to Khodorkovsky’s arrest. Putin meets with top investment bankers based in Moscow. Global Markets Recoil at Russian Oil-Stock Seizure. Excuse me? Global markets? The Russian market is going down the…

[Yukos stake seized]

…Russian Prosecutors Seize Yukos Stake. So is this the apex of the witch hunt? Or just an episode in a saga? More likely one in a succession of future infamies. A while ago, Mike Pechar (Interested-Participant) sent me a link…

Sh*t continues to happen in Russia

Russian Markets Slide After Arrest of Yukos Oil Chief, says the NYT, while Putin bluntly refuses to meet with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs to discuss Khodorkovsky’s arrest. Technically speaking, he shouldn’t have, but his refusal isn’t encouraging.…

The beginning of a disaster?

NYT: Police in Russia Seize Oil Tycoon. Actually, it is the FSB who arrested him, the successor to the KGB. WaPo: Russia Arrests Head of Largest Oil Co. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the CEO and majority owner of Russia’s largest (by market…

A brief quote…

…from The Preserve (Zapovednik) by Sergei Dovlatov. The scene is set in the Pskov oblast’ in the 1970s. They did not like Stalin in the village. I had long noticed that. They must have well remembered collectivization and other Stalin…

News from the European Court of Human Rights

According to Alex Tapinsh, Latvia will have to pay EUR20,000 within three months to two Russian nationals for violation of their human rights, European Union court on human rights declared Thursday. The court held that the two women, a former…

Politics as usual

Former Russian PM Chernomyrdin, now ambassador to Ukraine, is said to use profane words so intensely in private conversation that, when he must omit them in a public forum, there are not many left at all. Despite that – and,…

Bad news from Russia

No Internet connection either from home or office today. They say the rain is to blame. The cables got swamped or something. Sounds like a new urban legend to me. Dialup works, though. [Update: it’s all right now. Connection’s up.…

Tower review

Kat — formerly of — has moved her blog over to NeoZiggurat. Don’t expect to frighten us with ziggurats, neo or paleo: we have one right in the heart of town, in Red Square. It’s called the Lenin Mausoleum.…