Category Ukraine

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The Russian deputy PM Igor Shuvalov has been accused of insider trading, that is profiting from the pending abolition of the two-tier market in Gazprom shares in 2005-6. Now Shuvalov is strongly suggesting that Russian companies delist from Western stock…

Blame the maps

A Pro-Russian mob has attacked the wrong building in Kharkiv. To quote from the tweets: “Kharkiv residents” stormed Opera Theater, thinking it was mayor’s office… A comment from a Czech follower: When they came to us in 1968, they sieged…

Business as usual

Anne Applebaum has tweeted: “Russia, which denied having troops on the Ukrainian border, has now announced they will be withdrawn,” linking to this BBC report. Sounds familiar. The Soviet press was silent about the missiles in Cuba during the 1962…

The elusive ex-president

Yanukovich failed to appear in public last Friday, sending an open letter to the Ukrainians instead calling for regional referenda. Some time between his first and second press-conferences in exile, there were reports of his death, then speculation that his…


Victor Yanukovich is expected to speak in Rostov-on-Don today. It could be yet another asinine press conference but the alarmist in me feels otherwise. What if Yanukovich asks – “as the legitimate president, I hereby request” – Putin to “restore the…

“Historical South of Russia”

The feisty, libertarian-leaning Ekho Moskvy commentator Yulia Latynina draws attention, once again, to Putin’s March 18 speech; to the Duma and the Senate.  Putin explained how in his eyes, Nikita Khruschev’s transferring Crimea from Russia to Ukraine was “unconstitutional” –…

“A gas station masquerading as a country”

Senator McCain speaking: Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country… It’s kleptocracy, it’s corruption. It’s a nation that’s really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy. And so economic sanctions are important. Get some military assistance…

Anti-Soviet revolution

Lucien Kim writes in Slate: Crimea’s actual conflict isn’t ethnic; it’s the split between the suspicious, fearful sovok, or Soviet, mentality and a new generation of free minds. It’s little surprise that tearing down statues of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the…