Category Ukraine

Will there be war?

Pavel Felgenhauer, the veteran Russian military observer, asks: Russia’s Attack of Ukrainian Naval Ships in Black Sea: First Shots of Possible Winter War? Anything is possible. “It can’t happen because it can’t happen, ever,” the time-honored Russian appeal to the self-evident,…

The contagion of example

Denys Krasnikov reports in KyivPost: Ukraine will block access to the Russian websites VKontakte, Yandex and Odnoklassniki — all hugely popular in the country — under new sanctions measures. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on May 16 blocking…

A little too late

They should have done it in 2014: Lawmakers [MEPs] voted on November 23 in favor of a motion condemning Russian state media outlets like the television channel RT and the news agency Sputnik for disseminating “absolutely fake” news. They said…

The Bund and the bat

Apologies for quoting from the Daily Mail. Occasionally it does render a valuable public service: The national editor of Politico’s weekly news magazine resigned his position on Tuesday after he came under fire for advocating baseball-bat attacks on a white…

Avoiding comparisons

They say there are three Vladimirs in Moscow now: one lying, one sitting, and one standing. That is, Vladimir Lenin’s body is in the mausoleum in Red Square in a horizontal position; Vladimir Putin “sits” in the Kremlin (as in…

Shnaider Tower

Earlier this week, Tim Newman at White Sun of the Desert discussed a BBC report from Canada that looked at, among other things, Toronto’s Trump Tower from the usual angle of Trump being bad, toxic and in trouble. One thing…

The Kremlin’s delusions?

As far as Ukraine is concerned, the Kremlin’s propaganda has been surprisingly well-received in diverse quarters, as evidenced by comments both at the left-leaning Crooked Timber and on pro-Trump sites. The same probably applies to Moscow’s Syrian narrative, but I…

Ian Bateson on Ukraine: overstating his case?

“Ukraine Declares War on Journalism, ” proclaims Ian Bateson in an NYT op-ed: “Now Ukraine has labeled me an accomplice in terrorism.” One would think that the journalist has been placed on a list of terrorists wanted by Ukraine’s law…