Category Ukraine

Prisoner exchange

Vedomosti, the independent business paper, ran this headline today: “Savchenko’s release became Russia’s PR* defeat.” I disagree. Doing the right thing – in the simplest sense of right as good – can’t be bad PR. Even if the world thinks you are…

What are Trump’s sources on Ukraine?

It may prove unfortunate if Donald Trump’s view of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has truly been influenced, or even shaped, by people like Paul Manafort, a former adviser to Yanukovych, and Carter Page, a former Merrill Lynch banker and fund manager with ties to…

Another road to nowhere

Opponents of the EU-Ukraine association agreement made up 61% of the voters who took part in the Dutch referendum. The turnout was 32%. That works out to 20% of the eligible voters opposing the agreement. Potentially, a powerful minority, but a…

9,000 dead in Donbass

The UN’s latest casualty count for Ukraine: A report from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said 9,098 people including combatants and civilians have died in the conflict since April last year… More than 20,000 have been injured……

Ofcom on RT

As reported in its latest bulletin (PDF), the UK media regulator Ofcom has found RT (formerly Russia Today) in violation of rule 5.5 of the 2003 Communications Act, which requires “due impartiality on matters of political or industrial controversy.” The first of the…