Category Ukraine

The state is picking its enemies

Enough to scare the bejeezus out of anyone in Russia: A mother of seven has been accused of treason for calling the Ukrainian embassy about Russian troop movements… The woman — who faces between 12 and 20 years in prison…

What independence?

The Russian Central Bank’s decision to cut the key rate by 2 percentage points from 17% to 15% seems like an act of abdication, of renouncing its own independence. Actually the end-of-independence signal came in earlier, when Dmitry Tulin was…

Sour grapes

Putin has signed into law a bill making it legal – again – to advertise wine on TV, but only if it is produced in Russia from Russian grapes. While some wine-grade grapes grow in Russia proper, e.g. in Krasnodar,…

Say hello to Stepfather Frostbite

The year 2014 has been disastrous for Russia. The Kremlin has set the country on a path to national self-destruction with no salvific detour in sight. It does not hurt so much yet, but it’s only a question of time.…

Moscow or Pikalevo?

Russia is sliding into a full-scale economic and social crisis faster than I expected as the fiscal and monetary authorities are powerless to stop, much less push back, the juggernaut of self-destructive behavior launched by the Kremlin earlier this year. The…

Holy Seb!

Extracts from Yulia Latynina’s latest radio interview on Ekho Moskvy. Without endorsing her views in general, I more or less agree with this: First, I have to tell you that… I’m in the Netherlands, in Maastricht, at a congress… talking…

The passing of Kakha Bendukidze

Kakha Bendukidze, the brain behind the Georgian reforms under president Saakashvili, has died in London at 58. The Georgian reform team achieved something out of the ordinary in 2004-8: Georgia became the first post-Soviet country east of the Baltic where it was easy…