Tag Alan Dershowitz

Relevant but potentially confusing

I wrote about Alan Dershowitz’s attempt to have the evidence of domestic abuse thrown out of the O. J. Simpson trial on the ground that it would be statistically irrelevant. Dershowitz failed to convince the judge but Johnny Cochran spoke…

I knew it was going to happen

I spent some time reading up on Jeffrey Epstein’s case in early 2015, when Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz were briefly dragged into it. Later in 2015, I thought that sooner or later, either Donald Trump or Bill Clinton or…

On probabilistic loophole artistry

In weak imitation of Archimedes, let’s talk mathematics in the time of war. I had some formal training in the subject but lately I’ve grown fond of popular books explaining basic concepts of math and science. A good explanation can be of great educational value…