Tag George W. Bush

Compared with “nucular,” “TanZAYnia” is no big deal

I have little patience with people mocking Trump for saying Tan-ZAY-nia rather than Tan-zah-NEEah. Fifteen years back, some of these folks bent over backwards to prove that George W. Bush’s “nucular” was exactly the way true and genuine Americans had pronounced…

After Bratislava

It’s easy to look and sound good when you’re standing next to President Bush. Unfortunately. Putin obviously has a higher verbal IQ than Bush and is capable of speaking both convincingly and amusingly. Unfortunately. What Putin needed from Bush was…

Masha (Maria) Lipman on Bush, Part 1

As promised a few days ago. The original piece in Gazeta.ru is pretty long, and I get tired easily, so I broke the thing up into two parts. Plain and plainer George Bush invariably demonstrates an unmuddied worldview. The secret…

A note on my preferences

This is boring, but I’ve got to say this. My dislike for Bush is mostly personal. I just can’t stand the man. As for Bushite policies, my skepticism is essentially right-wing. The war in Iraq, I fear, is deepening and…

[Bush II]

An explanation may be in order. My distrust for Bush stems, first, from a personal dislike. I just can’t stand the man; although Bush is not the blockhead the liberal press depicts, Gore and Kerry, I trust, are finer persons.…