Tag MH17

A great military power

The BBC’s Russian service reported on Monday (the translation is my own): The prosecution in the MH17 crash case has claimed that at least two Buk missile launchers were dispatched from Russia to Ukraine in 2014 but one of them…

Fact-finding at the MH17 trial

The joint investigation team working on the case of Flight MH17, the civilian plane downed in Eastern Ukraine five years ago, has charged four people with the murder of the plane’s 298 passengers. Three of the accused are Russian nationals;…

New MH17 footage, one year after

Like carrion-eating hyenas, News Corp. and its peers sometimes help the ecosystem to cleanse itself. This time they’ve dug up this: …after a 12-month pursuit, News Corp Australia has obtained new footage shot by the rebels themselves on a camcorder…

Professionals at work

(1) The Russian Investigative Committee’s strongest side is fabricating cases against Alexey Navalny and other opposition activists. I’ve blogged about the investigators’ tricks and drew some international comparisons but this time – as Navalny is facing a 10-year sentence in the new,…

Russian media’s brief happy hour

Plenty of other evidence has been submitted to the court of public opinion since the Flight MH17 disaster, but early on, there were two facts that made it clear enough to me which side was directly responsible. For now, I’m…

Three links on Donbass

The Panic in Red Square by Tom Nichols: The only question, really, is how far Putin wants to go toward a trade war, economic collapse, further status as a pariah, maybe even open war, only in order to save face.…