Tag Putin

[Belligerence and incompetence]

Reports of this “brawl,” oddly perhaps, have affirmed my conviction that Putin’s junta must go. I’m not sure about Putin himself, but the people he brought in to work for him in the Kremlin — mostly from St. Petersburg and…

After Bratislava

It’s easy to look and sound good when you’re standing next to President Bush. Unfortunately. Putin obviously has a higher verbal IQ than Bush and is capable of speaking both convincingly and amusingly. Unfortunately. What Putin needed from Bush was…

Undue optimism?

Writing on the recent presidential election in Russia, Nikolas Gvosdev makes mostly valid points, but something must be wrong with his consolationist view of the Russian polity. I haven’t pinpointed the problem yet, but I know something’s rotten in this…


Putin Revels in Election; Others See Flaws, reports the New York Times. I, too, saw flaws of great proportions, but I didn’t notice Putin reveling; on the contrary, he did not even look happy at the government meeting after the…

Right thoughts for the right reasons

I hope I won’t be misunderstood: my reservations about Putin’s regime are not the same as the WaPo‘s. His KGB past doesn’t please me, but there’s nothing wrong about being an intelligence officer. He’s no anti-Semite, either: no one has…