Tag Putin

Prof. Snyder, Trump and Putin

In his latest NYRB piece, Timothy Snyder lists a number of Russian “politicians” supportive of Trump. They turn out clowns of varying colors; none of them operators to be reckoned with. Particularly amusing is Snyder’s naming Alexander Dugin as “the leading Russian fascist ideologue and…

The National Guard in Russia

Comparing the newly created Russian National Guard to the Praetorians of imperial Rome is too obvious to have explanatory value. I cannot recall Putin ever relying on the support of any group or organization to the exclusion of all others. He…

“Planted!” by Ted Cruz and Dmitry Peskov

When The National Enquirer ran a story about Ted Cruz’s five (or eight?) alleged mistresses, the candidate called the leak “garbage” (that’s what tabloids peddle) and accused Donald Trump of planting the dirt (probably dug up by Rubio’s team). But…

Putin’s jury trial proposal

Putin’s suggestions regarding the criminal justice procedure: He also proposed a change to jury service, saying jurors should judge a wider range of cases but their number be cut to between five and seven from the current 12 at each…

Playing with fire in Hatay

The more I read about the history of Hatay, Turkey’s appendage-like province disputed by Syria, the more I am convinced that its status remains a sore point for Ankara. Also, Turkey’s military is in solidarity with Erdogan on the need to…

The Turkoman People’s Republic

The Russian speakers of Eastern Ukraine were not at risk of being killed by Ukrainian forces until Russia’s allies or puppets began the war in Donbass. The Turkomans of Syria have been at risk since the start of the civil…

Any good to come out of this?

The Russian government seems to be overreacting to the Su–24 crisis, threatening wide-scale economic sanctions against Turkey that are certain to hurt Russian consumers. (Bombing Voronezh in response, again.) Is this Putin taking personal offense – an ego contest between the…

Mr. Perfect goes to church

Putin met with Pope Francis last week, but just before that… In a rare newspaper interview ahead of his state visit to Italy, Vladimir Putin has claimed he never makes mistakes because God “built his life so he’d have nothing…

Putin sticks up for Blatter

Evil AmeriKKKans won’t let Sepp serve a fifth term! Brazen breach of international law! When would Putin’s own fifth term start, in 2018 or 2024? Either way, he would be younger than Blatter is now… if… But the more vigorous…