Tag Taleb

Marx and his non-readers

I keep forgetting to post this. I once said that Jordan Peterson had been “completely unprepared” for his 2019 debate with Slavoj Žižek. Why? Because Peterson “knew next to nothing about Marxism.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb put it better: “Never BS…

Faria Limers and their musos

Another tweet related to Brazil and Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Faria Limers Bolsonaristas vão ficar bravos com você Taleb. It took me a few minutes to figure out those Limers: Bolsonarists from Faria Lima Avenue are going to get mad at…

A pelegada bolsonarista

From N. N. Taleb’s Twitter feed, a retweet: Imagina quando o Taleb descobrir que a pelegada bolsonarista que prega o não uso da máscara se diz antifrágil? Which, I think, translates approximately into this: Imagine when Taleb discovers that the…

A simple asymmetry

Suppose the number of people infected grows exponentially with time as . Consider two cases: in the first, the true rate is less than r by δ percent; in the second, it is greater than r by δ percent. The…