Category Russia

The best have no zest

America is not a Propositional Nation, according to Robert Locke. Locke, like Zmirak, is a writer whose opinions I both enjoy and hate, but the very appearance on the virtual scene of serious thinkers who are so profoundly conservative —…

Zhivago mini

Colby Cosh, watching the new Doctor Zhivago mini, admits, “I have zero familiarity with the book or the legendary film”. Well, I have some familiarity with the book, having read it at the age of 15 or 16 and taken…

If love be love

Why do Russian women stick to their destitute, decrepit husbands? Out of — not pity but duty. It may be true that peasant women in old Russia did not know how to say “I love him”; they said “I pity…

Global Significance

Mine may not be the first English-language blog of a Russian, but the first one of Global Significance! And very likely the first by a Russian living in Russia and writing in English. I’ve run Google searches like Russia+weblog and…

Little room for gain?

If Washington lets Turkey occupy Northern Iraq, i.e. Iraqi Kurdistan, the moral underpinnings of the war will be shattered. But since I am skeptical about their existence beyond the blogosphere, I’d rather focus on Russia’s optimal strategy. Whatever the Russian…

The language of K-19

K-19 is being shown on Russian Channel 1 right now. Dubbed. I’ve seen pieces of it before; Harrison Ford adopting a Russian accent and all that. Just fifteen minutes ago or so, I watched Liam Neeson as sub commander being…

Other people’s wars

American bloggers find it easy to talk and make jokes about other countries’ wars. Perhaps it’s because Americans haven’t fought a “tragical” war since a long time ago. By a “tragical” war I mean one fought on one’s own land…

Lunch break television

On my first or second day in Nashville, TN, I remember having breakfast on the ground floor of a Days Inn — virtually in a corner of the lobby. Four tables and a large-screen TV set. A televangelist has just…

London 2003, Moscow 1990

A million people marching through London. Impressive. Even at the peak of the reform movement in Russia, in the late 1980s, the largest gatherings in Moscow totaled 500,000 [up to a million probably – added in July 2017] people or…

Who saved whom from what?

Drezner on “we saved their cheese-eating asses”. (I stumbled on the link at Here’s my two cents: It’s simply incorrect to say that the US “saved France from Hitler” without mentioning the Allied war effort in general. Suppose an…

Not a scourge of Moscow

As a side note, Ghengis Khan did not invade Kievan Rus (although three Russian princes lost a battle with his generals on the river Kalka); his posterity did, though. As for Moscow, it was a town of limited significance at that…