Category Ukraine

No fraud, no fun

A picture of – apparently – Crimea ballots with pre-printed “Yes” for succession. Like an old card sharpie who has already made a fortune with his tricks but cannot help cheating any time he touches a deck.

Crimea-related links, with pictures

Two picture galleries from Russian media: Two Armies of the Same Peninsula in the Russian Forbes. The unglamorous, amaterish- and/or provincial-looking guys with not so great physique, some still wearing Soviet-style regulation fur hats, are Ukrainian soldiers. The balaclava-wearing commandos…

Red Dawn?

There’s a rumor in Kyiv and Moscow that the full-scale Russian invasion of Crimea will begin within hours. The Russian Channel 1 has canceled a live broadcast of the Oscar ceremony citing the need to update viewers on Ukraine Apparently…

Ukraine, then and now

Nine years ago, I thought it was great that Ukraine still had public politics while Russia had almost none but I had little enthusiasm for any of the particular players in the Ukrainian scene. Apart from the brothers Klichko, I…

Notes at an exhibition

The NYT writes in an art review (registration required) devoted to an exhibition of “Ukrainian modernists”: Kazimir Malevich, El Lissitsky, Alexander Rodchenko, Alexander Archipenko and Alexandra Exter were actually born, or identified themselves as, Ukrainian. According to a new exhibition…

The reasoning behind a great famine

That is, Golodomor or Holdomor in (the) Ukraine (let’s add Kazakhstan, the West and South Siberia, the South Urals, the Upper and Lower Volga, the North Caucasus). I’m trying to understand the logic that may have led Moscow to act…

Well done

Neeka’s Backlog has been voted Best CIS Weblog at AFOE… … and is eligible for a pair of Satin Pajamas. Congratulations, and thanks to the voters who made the right choice.

Sick transit

I have come across a story explaining in some detail how Russia and Ukraine depend on each other in gas transit and distribution. Jerome Guillet, an energy banker based in Paris, has posted extensively at EuroTribune but I would single…