A. C. Douglas
The gentleman who went by A. C. Douglas on the net had a wonderful blog, Sounds & Fury. The site – the & in its title replaced with and – is now operated by an opera lover who is obviously…
Fragments of a blog
Fragments of a blog
The gentleman who went by A. C. Douglas on the net had a wonderful blog, Sounds & Fury. The site – the & in its title replaced with and – is now operated by an opera lover who is obviously…
Brazil lived under a military dictatorship for more than twenty years: some say from 1964 to 1985, others to 1988-89. For about five years after the coup of 1964, the generals retained some outward vestiges of democracy. In December 1968,…
Four and a half years ago, there was a brief outbreak of fighting in Nagorny Karabakh. It had been waiting to happen, I said then, as Azerbaijan had been investing its oil revenues in rearmament and was ready to strike.…
In 2007, Monica Napoleoni was the head of the “homicide squad” in Perugia (Umbria, Italy). Lorena Zugarini was a senior member of that unit. They were both active participants in the railroading of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito in the…
Shaun Walker, the Guardian‘s man in Moscow (again), tweeted yesterday: Quite odd how Muscovites, who in normal times are super fastidious about hygiene (washing hands regularly, avoiding dirt etc) are mask averse. 600 Covid cases a day in Moscow and…
Here‘s the Russian artist Pavel Pepperstein portrayed as a boy by his father, Viktor Pivovarov. Here’s Pavel’s face on a temp fence around the ruins of the Gear Pavillion in what used to be the Gorky Park in Moscow. Still…
An American (apparently) freelance writer writes of his experience working for what turned out a Russian operation posing as a “progressive global news outlet.” PeaceData, seemingly a leftwing news outlet, offered me a column. I should have known it was…
Orwell’s 1984 begins comically: It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. “Oh the horror of the continental (Papist) 24-hour clock! Anything but that!” sneered John Dolan. Good enough, but there’s also the obvious…
Alexander Adams has reviewed a number of books on architecture in the Soviet block (aka the Second World) and the Third World. It’s in the Critic, one of those Save Western Civilization mags whose writers are generously paid to keep…
“Massive protests flood Belarus once more, as Lukashenko appears brandishing assault rifle,” ABC News reports from Minsk. As one pro-Kremlin political consultant has remarked on his Telegram channel, “Lukashenko is cosplaying Allende and Pinochet at the same time.” Another, less…
John Gray’s piece in the New Statesman is prefaced with an image of Isaac Newton demonstrating the diffraction of daylight to an awestruck colleague. This image, and a similar one showing Newton projecting diffracted white light onto the backrest of…