Moorhens, coots and shovelers

Since I wrote about ruddy shelducks appearing in Moscow ponds alongside mallards (the default waterfowl, so to say), I’ve learned of four other bird species recently spotted in the city. Mandarin ducks seem to have made it to Moscow from…

Childish in the worst sense of the word

Last Friday, I wrote that election fraud isn’t all that easy to pull off even in a polity dominated by a single party. Even in Russia. Now think about a fiercely competitive environment such as a swing state, like Georgia,…

Election fraud? Seriously?

Up until recently, Putin’s regime committed fraud at every important election. It wasn’t that easy, even though the perpetrators were told they would never face prosecution. In fact, having independent or opposition party observers at polling stations all but closed…

A post-Constructivist monster

This is a low-resolution view of Moscow from the Yauzsky boulevard, less than half a mile from the building I discussed in these two posts. I’m partial to this shot because it reveals (I hope) so much about the city…

I was wrong about Trump

Once I had great – inflated – hopes for Trump. I was disappointed by Obama’s reluctance to actively resist the Kremlin’s aggression. Obama’s 2014 sanctions, I thought, were inadequate, even counterproductive. It would have been natural for Trump – it…

Glass walls, balconies, canopies II

More pictures of the Dankman-Rusanova-Simakin campus building on the Ivanovskaya Hill in Moscow – from the well-preserved northern section on the left, rightwards to the dorm sections extending south, to the burned-out southern section. Someone tried to rebuild it but…

Judge Barrett’s eloquence

Dr. Bedřich Welfer is an episodic but memorable character in Jaroslav Hašek’s great novel, The Good Soldier Švejk. Welfer’s uncle left him a generous allowance in his will, enabling the lucky nephew to remain a student of medicine for as…